from 10 kg
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from 10 kg
$/kgfrom 10 kg
$/kgfrom 10 kg
$/kgfrom 10 kg
$/kgfrom 10 kg
$/kgfrom 10 kg
$/kgLongan, according to the majority of people who tried this fetus, is considered one of the delicious exotic fruits. Everyone who at least once has ever been in Asia, certainly acquainted with this fruit delicacy. Longan's unattractive skin is hidden, with a subtle taste of the pulp, in which the composition of the product is solely useful for the body. The pulp contains the necessary vitamins and trace elements. The Longan's diseases have a spheroid form, as they form one large bunch, because of which ordinary people are often compared with grapes. The size of fruits on one cluster can be from 1 to 2.5 cm in diameter. Suitable features of the fruit stain in the berries in different colors from cream shades to bright orange. Longan's pulp is a translucent soft edible consistency that covers the dark fruit bone. It is important! & NBSP; Longan's bone is not edible: it is concentrated with substances harmful to the body. But the peel and the pulp contain only useful substances useful for the body. Longan's Asian fruit from the Sapind family family. The most close relatives of the fruit are considered to be Rambutan, Spanish Lyme and Lichi. Longan tree of impressive height: Some copies can reach up to 12 meters. The crown of the plant forms long dense-set branches, while their diameter, as a rule, exceeds ten meters. Longan grows in a tropical climate, where there is a constantly increased humidity and temperature.
Form release
View of exotic fruit
Unit of shelf life
10 Days
Unit Quantum Supplies
10 kg