Ezhovik combed sushenyi

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Ezhovik combed sushenyi
Ezhovik combed sushenyi
Ezhovik combed sushenyi
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1 kg
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The price is for 1 kilogram. 100 grams 700 rubles., 500 grams 2500 rubles.; 1 kg. 3500 rubles.; from 3 kg 3500 rubles.. A box of 10 kg 3000 rubles for 1 kg. The combed hedgehog, Lion's mane (Hericium erinaceus) is a natural, dried, whole mushroom, a mushroom unique in its composition that the whole world knows about! Hedgehog comb and Cordyceps can be used in pairs in the treatment of serious diseases such as: oncology, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, depression, anxiety, insomnia and cognitive impairment. The types of these mushrooms are used in Traditional medicine for various therapeutic purposes, they have a lot in common, for example: they are able to strengthen the immune system and fight oxidative stress. Recommendations for admission: Individually adults: a tablespoon (10 g) before lunch on a lean stomach and in the evening, children also take 1 teaspoon for two months, then a break of 1 month and you can continue or change mushrooms, it all depends on the indications of your body. It is usually drunk in tandem with another mushroom for complementarity. Hedgehog Comb: restores and protects damaged neurons, restores memory, reduces the level of panic attacks, relieves depression and stress, normalizes sleep, provides fundamental support for the immune system, increases energy reserve and strengthens heart health, — performs the function of an antioxidant and improves memory, — stimulates the growth of brain cells, — increases the ability to learn, — antitumor effect, -relieves side effects during and after chemo and radio therapy. As a colleague put it: "The tangible effect of neurogenesis from the first reception, the effect is bright and at the same time soft: — stimulates, invigorates and accelerates the thinking process, — gives confidence and ease in everyday affairs. A clear feeling that a couple of terabytes of memory were added to the brain as an operating system update: speed, creativity, memory, depth of thinking, confidence, calmness and a clear superiority over what was before ..." Yezhovik is recognized as a medicinal mushroom with a Nootropic effect. Mushrooms have not only nootropic but also antibacterial, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. On their basis, medicines are made to help fight chronic gastritis, stomach cancer and leukemia. Blackberry comb polysaccharides neutralize the action of gastric acid, protecting the walls of the stomach from its effects in the presence of an ulcerative surface, stimulate the regeneration of the gastric mucosa. They also improve blood circulation in the digestive organs, stimulate absorption in the stomach and intestines, enhance peristalsis, and prevent the development of tumor processes in the alimentary canal. Blackberries contain 5 different antitumor polysaccharides, as well as other antitumor substances — phenols and fatty acids, which act directly on cancer cells, as with chemotherapy. According to the results of clinical trials, the fungus has been shown to be effective in benign and malignant tumors: fibroids, fibroids, cysts, pituitary adenomas, prostate adenomas, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer.☝️The application recommendation is attached to the package. Extra, top grade!!! The taste is very pleasant with the aroma of truffle.

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