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$/pcsKailas Jeevan is a universal Ayurvedic cream of a wide range of actions. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, painkillers. Provides getting rid of skin diseases, promotes healing wounds and cuts. Effectively helps with burns, including solar, rendering a cooling effect. Removes itching and redness in insect bite, preventing the emergence of complications. The cream helps with headaches and migraines, pain in the ears, eliminates physical tension. Kailas Jivan has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system, and also removes fatigue, tension and redness of the eyes. The cream effectively eliminates the cracks on the heels, eliminates the dryness of the skin, providing a rejuvenating action. Interest information: Multifunctional cream-containing natural component of skin diseases are protozoomized by the healing of the wounds and the cut holds with different burns itching itching and redness when insecting ukwasters are a headache and physical stress in the fractures on heels and dryness Fatigue, voltage and redness of the icing for use: Skin diseases and cut-insogery burns insectsud and redhead pain and migrain in the Ushakhphysical tension and stretching and redness and redness of the designer on the top of the skin of the skin: the individual intolerance of individual components during pregnancy and lactation It is recommended to consult with specialist-effective components: coconut oil ( COCONUT OIL) - Moisturizes, rejuvenates, saturates with vitamins and protects the skin. Pandelated (Pandhari RAL) - moisture eats and nourishes the skin, relieves irritation. Sandal oil oil (Chandan Taila Essenial Oil) - Removes inflammation and irritation, treats skin defaults. Makor (Camphor) - treats the diseases of the nervous system, soothes, removes insomnia (Azadirachta Indica) - helps with Nausea and vomiting, displays slags, normalizes the pressure. Mysnormal fined (Cynodon Dactylon) - Heals wounds and cuts, stops bleeding. Instructions for use: under the skin diseases - apply the cream to pre-cleaned skin, not rub. When wounds and cuts - to immediately apply cream to the affected area. With burns - apply cream to the affected area. With long use, it helps healing the scars and eliminate traces from burns. With injuries and stretching - apply compresses using cream. If the eyes are fatigue and tension, the cream of the cream, uniformly apply the layer on the eyelids. In pain in the ears - blot your cotton disk with cream, put in ear sink. When headaches and migraines - massage movements to rub cream to the region of the temples / Differebi. Print cracks on the heels - to apply the cream twice a day to the affected area, do not rub, as the cream quickly absorbs. Sostor: Every 10 g contains: Coconut oil ( COCONUT OIL) - 2.8 g, Shorusa Poland (Pandhari RAL) - 370 mg, Sandal Essential oil (CHANDAN TAILA ESSENIAL OIL) - 10 mg, camphor (Camphor) - 14.5 mg, Talc (TALC) - 90 mg, it (Azadirachta Indica ) - 90 mg, Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestis) - 90 mg, swine-colored (Cynodon Dactylon) - 90 mg, the Cissampelos Pareira - 90 mg, calcium hydroxide (Calcium Hydroxide) - the required number of storage conditions: storage in dry Inaccessible to light place. West: 30 g
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Kailas Jeevan.
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Kailas Jeevan