Buy Sausages for frying from 5.67 $ from Czech grill
Czech grillfrom 50 kg
$/kgTo buy wholesale Sausages for frying and grill (beef) from Czech grill, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.
from 50 kg
$/kgfrom 50 kg
$/kgfrom 50 kg
$/kgOur products: We have our own production under the brand «Czech grill» and supply our products prepared on the original Czech recipe
View of the product
Sausage grill
View of raw materials
Beef, Meat
Brand / TM.
Czech grill
Primary packaging
Vacuum, in / u
View of meat
Number of goods to the second. Packing
Weight (kg)
Quantum Supplies
50 kg
Unit of shelf life
180 Days
Brand / TM.
Чешский Гриль