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$/pcsThe complex "Aimix Slimm" is a mixture of plant extracts:- Garzenia Cambodian;- Wild Yams;- passiflorin;- Bromelain;- Papain;- Ginottemma five-line.Description of active ingredients1. Garcinia Cambodian, (Lat. Garcīnia gūmmi-gūtta)Composition: hydroxylonic acid (GLK), pectin.Properties:- splitting of fats.The main, useful component of the fruit - hydroxylonic acid (GLK),It is produced from the peel and the extract of the Fruit of Garzenia. Home Function GLK - Reductioncitriatlize enzymes in the body for carbohydrate processing inFats. If the indicator of citriatlese is reduced, then the production of fat cellsReduced. The process of storing excess cholesterol accelerates and excess fat is nottime to postpone, but cleaned and excreted together with slags (cholesterolplaques).GLK stabilizes blood sugar levels, ways to accelerate glucose processing inEnergy and reduction of enzyme systems converting excess carbohydrates inVisceral fat. GLC protrudes, in his kind, the biocorrector, which is usedFor the prevention of sugar diabetes.- Reduced appetite.Thanks to its useful properties, Garcinia Cambodia for weight lossSatisfies the cells of the body with the necessary useful substances, microelements.Hydroxylonic acid reduces the performance of the hormone hormone in the blood,responsible for the feeling of hunger (Leptin gives a brain signal about what is requiredEating).Studies have proven that the composition of Garcinia Cambogia affects the serotonin enzyme.There is a proven dependence of the level of serotonin and food volume. The higherSereotonin''s plasma indicator, the less and less you want to eat, is shrinkingWeight increase and increases the amount of energy reserves. Since cellsGet the need for life nutrition, normalized enzymeImproves the mood, and the feeling of hunger reaches the required minimum.- Reduced cholesterolGarcinia Cambodian reduces the amount of fat in the cage, first preventingInsulin in the opening, and then "configuring" the cage to the withdrawal of fat.2. Wild Yams, or Diocese of Shaggy, (Lat.Dioscorea Villosa)Compound:• Vitamin C,• Vitamin B1 (thiamine),• saponins (including dioscin),• glucose,• Alkaloids,• starch.The main active substance is a dioason, it is also called the predecessorhormones. Based on this substance hormone dehydroepyondrosterone(DHEA, Testosterone and Estrogen Rifleer) and Pregenalon; They regulateHormone production in the female body.Properties:- hormonal (levels hormonal background)- choleretic- Potting- sedative- normalizes pressure, level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.No wonder the wild yams is called a female plant: active substances normalizeHormonal background and raise mood.3. Passiflorine.Passiflorin combines the healing properties of high molecular weight inulin andPassiflora.Passiflower contains flavonoids, glycosides, phenolic compounds, amino acids andOrganic acids.Passiflora has the following properties:- Antibacterial- anesthetia- sedative- spasmolitical- Anxilitic.Passiflora increases overall performance, improves memory, helps the bodyresist redundant stress and chronic fatigue, cope withPhysical and emotional overloads. Protects central nervous cellsSystems from damaging action of free radicals.Reception of drugs Passiflora does not give side effects and is not addictive,psychological and physical dependence with long-term use - as children,So and adults.Inulin in the composition of passiflorin improves the intestinal work, has a positive effect onThe metabolism, improves the absorbability of biocomponents.4. Bromelain (Bromelain) - a drug involved in the synthesis of DNA, having brightpronounced immunostimulating properties and representing oneselfDigestive and proteolytic enzymes. Also, Bromelain is excellentPreventive tool against obesity, because Normalizes exchangersThe processes in the body (carbohydrate and protein).Properties:- This drug helps the stomach to digest food.- Bromelain stimulates immune cells - macrophages and this strengthens the immune systemorganism.- It has anti-inflammatory properties.- Bromelain (NOW FOODS) accelerates rehabilitation processes in such diseases,As arthritis, pancreatitis and athletic injuries.- Enhances the metabolic processes of the body.- Bromelain has a spasmodic effect.- regulates the level of cytokines.- Neutralizes pathogenic complexes in human blood.- Bromelain regulates the concentration of adhesive molecules.- takes an active part in the absorption of thromboms.5. Papain (English. Papain) is a proteolytic plant enzymeOrigin. Definition "Proteolytic" means that this substanceParticipates in the process of splitting proteins. Papain catalyzes the processhydrolysis of proteins, peptides and esters of major amino acids, splitsFats and carbohydrates. This enzyme is mined from the Milky Juice of Immature FruitsPapaya.Properties:- Splitting proteins- bile and diuretic. In general, papain can be used for comprehensive cleansing.organism.- improves the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients. SimilarFunctions have probiotics and prebiotics: the first to populate useful bacteria inIntestine, the second contribute to their reproduction.- Immunostimulating - effectively increases immunity resistanceThe body is to different types of diseases.- rejuvenating (face and body skin).- Normalizing metabolism and contributing to weight loss.
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