Pumpkin Oil

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Pumpkin Oil
Price per pcs
Minimum order
10 pcs

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Unrefined pumpkin oil is a 100% natural product that should be on the table of every person who takes care of their health. It has a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which makes this oil useful for almost all organs and systems. Fatty acids have a positive effect on the female and male hormonal background, and also give the skin and hair youth, and nails and bones strength by improving the synthesis of vitamin D. Vitamins A, E and K regulate the work of the liver, contribute to its recovery and purification from toxins and toxins, and also help to gradually but reliably lose excess weight without the threat of the return of ballast kilograms. Pumpkin oil is a real storehouse of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and zinc, necessary for the longevity of the heart and blood vessels. Also, these minerals protect women's reproductive health, normalizing the monthly cycle, and at the onset of pregnancy help to provide the fetus with everything necessary for harmonious growth and development. Unrefined pumpkin oil is especially useful for nursing mothers, because it enriches breast milk with valuable trace elements for the baby. How to use: take orally 1 teaspoon 2 times a day with meals. Add when preparing salads and cold appetizers. The composition of pumpkin oil includes the following polyunsaturated acids: ► Alpha-linolenic acid (Omega-3) - 14%; ► Linolenic acid (Omega-6) - 39%; ► Oleic acid (Omega-9) - 32%; Other fatty acids - 15%. Vitamins of group A, E, K, C, P, PP and group B. Mineral substances: iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, potassium, calcium. BAD. It is not a medicine.

  • View of sunflower oil


  • Packing


  • Primary packaging

    Glass bottle

  • Secondary packaging


  • View of the product


  • Volume (l)

  • Unit of shelf life

    12 Months (s)

  • Quantum Supplies

  • Brand / TM.
