Coconut oil 100 ml

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Coconut oil 100 ml
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1 pcs

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Product description: Vanna Coconut Oil 100ml / Vanna Virgin Coconut Oil 100ml Immerse yourself in absolute magic, appreciate the magic of coconut oil, which, enveloping the fingertips from the tips to the top, fills with beauty and health! The coconut oil is a great jewel, the gift of generous Thai nature, which, with the right and regular use, both inside and external will give you beauty, youth and health! In total, one agent is capable of miracles, which, given the chemical composition of the product, are quite explained: the abundance of fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and trace elements has many positive actions on the human body. Anna coconut oil has a higher quality suitable for cosmetic purposes, it will open a huge space for creativity in the kitchen, turning the usual dishes into seductive appetizing and very useful masterpieces! Coconut oil, applied to the skin, nails, hair - this is: - no wrinkles, acne and pigment spots; - smooth skin tone; - elasticity and elasticity without signs of stretch marks, decrees, cellulite; - Strong hair from roots to tips, healthy throughout the length; - brilliant silky strands having a rich shade; - No problems with the scalp (itching, dandruff, hair loss, wounds, excessive fatness in the roots); - strong smooth nails, neat cuticle; - soft and well-groomed leather heels, elbows, knees; - Comfort after depilation and shave, no irritation; - beautiful tan; - prevention of fragility and cross section of hair; - rapid healing of any damage, elimination of dryness, peeling, redness, gradually removing scars, pedestal; - Care during pregnancy (prevention of stretch marks). Coconut oil when used in food: - helps to saturate the organism with substances necessary for its normal functioning, which is especially important to women and those who keep a diet actively engaged in sports; - strengthens immunity; - It helps to lose weight, since with reasonable use it is not "postponed" into fat, but accelerates metabolic processes, contributing to safe and comfortable modeling of silhouette; - improves the state of the oral cavity, strengthens the gums; - allows you to indulge yourself with fried (even deeply!) Food, since it does not "mutate" when heated; - rejuvenates the body; - eliminates stress; - gives strength; - serves as the prevention of many diseases; - gives baking, desserts, soups, meat, bird, vegetables, fruits, seafood, cocktails new refined taste. Coconut oil has two "aggregate states": with conventional conditions for tropics, it is liquid and transparent, with a decrease in temperature to +25 degrees becomes white and solid. Such changes do not affect the properties of the product. Enjoy the beauty and health that can be shared with close!

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