

  • supplier-company
  • Products



  • manufacturer
  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

    Basic information

    The main activity of the company is the organization of bottling of Mineral natural drinking table water "Pearl Lux"(bicarbonate, magnesium-calcium), water delivery, sale of coolers and pumps. The water offered by our company is extracted from a depth of 100m. Well No. 54 Pozhnya-El is used for water extraction. It should be noted that the water undergoes specialized treatment, which includes the use of filters to remove suspended particles present in the water, which allows to bring the mineralization to an optimal value, which fully complies with all modern Russian sanitary and epidemiological standards and SanPiN. In addition, the products we offer fully comply with GOST R 52109-2003 "Drinking water packaged in containers. General technical conditions"


    This legal entity no longer exists