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    Before releaseing the first Wowfoods line, for several years we selected products and farms in different parts of the globe: from South America and Africa to India, China and Japan. A special place is occupied by countries in which millennia medicine and traditional cuisine are based on the knowledge of the healing properties of plants, spices and herbs. We choose only the care products that are not subjected to chemical cleaning, refining and exposure to high temperatures without impurities and additives. We do not stop at what have been achieved, so much more interesting and useful will be waiting for you. We were seriously thought about the quality of those products that Wowfoods should represent. Proper storage, pharmaceutical technology grinding vegetable raw materials, encapsulation, tabletting and developing their own recipes. With packing, all products undergo decontamination and sterilization process in order to eliminate the formation and development of microorganisms. After all, we work with a living product of plant origin. Permanent desire to meet their own values ​​allow Wowfoods to be truly well-known living products. We have taught our grandmothers to drink smoothies in the morning, brew match, prepare chia-puddings and cupcakes without eggs. And they realized that age does not matter when it comes to health and cheerfulness of the Spirit. It is relevant to us, our friends, our children and parents, because health is a great value. And yet, we all unites what we love to eat delicious. Tasty and consciously. Nutrition is a daily process of improving the quality of life. Therefore, discarding everything more superfluous, we choose products that are able to benefit, energy and endurance, a feeling of lightness into the body and thoughts. How do we do it with proven partners, track the yield and import directly from the manufacturer's country-based import venerers from the manufacturers from Europe, South America, India, Indonesia, China, Japan, Coreaite producing vegetable raw materials, combine, capsule and tableting without auxiliary substance, products are registered and declared on the instructions, the recipe in accordance with the requirements of the legislation-safety components of the product passes sterilization to eliminate the formation of microorganism control on microbiological indicators


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