VBZ Daryaal

VBZ Daryaal

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VBZ Daryaal

VBZ Daryaal

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    The history of Ossetian brewing goes back centuries. According to legend, beer was given to Ossetians by higher powers, which is why it is so popular. Ossetians believe that beer symbolizes the juice of the earth, giving vital energy, strength, courage, abundance. Delicious Ossetian beer is an essential attribute of celebrations and traditional feasts. Beer, along with Ossetian pies, is revered and loved by all residents of Ossetia and far beyond its limits. The oldest brewery in the republic "Daryal" has become a worthy heir to the ancient traditions of brewing. The history of the plant has already been 140 years old! It originates from one of the first breweries in Vladikavkaz, and throughout the Caucasus, the Czech brothers Prokhasco. A century later, the Daryal brewery was built on this base. The ancient Ossetian brewing traditions and the high standards of Czech brewing, laid down by the Prohasco brothers, were carefully preserved in Soviet times, already at a state enterprise. At the same time, the plant mastered the production of non-alcoholic products, which were in great demand among residents of the republic and neighboring regions. In the 90s, the company managed to successfully compete on the open market with manufacturers of similar products, thanks to the highest quality standard of the products produced. Now the plant is the leader of the brewing industry in the region. We use exclusively NATURAL PRODUCTS: water that undergoes multi-stage purification, imported and Russian malt from the best producers, hops harvested in the best fields of Europe, unique yeast cultures that are delivered in special test tubes from Germany.
