Vlasov Klya

Vlasov Klya

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Vlasov Klya

Vlasov Klya


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    Production of mineral waters. Modern technologies allow you to remove harmful impurities from any liquid. With the help of reverse osmosis, adsorption, ion exchange, etc., it is possible to obtain absolutely pure, harmless, but "dead" water. Drinking water that has undergone physico-chemical post-treatment with subsequent artificial mineralization does not bring any benefit to the body. Vlasov Klyuch is water with natural mineralization, natural optimal balance of trace elements and excellent taste. In the production of bottled water "Vlasov Key" there is no change in the natural structure, the water remains "alive", preserving the original qualities and natural proportions of minerals. The natural mineral table water of the Vlasov Klyuch spring has a unique natural composition of trace elements, is ideal for daily consumption, restores and maintains the mineral balance of the body, which is the key to health. The Vlasov Klyuch spring is located in the ecologically favorable Uysky district of the Chelyabinsk region, at a distance of over 100 kilometers to the nearest industrial enterprises. The source originates in the depths of the Ural Mountains, after undergoing repeated natural purification, comes to the surface in their foothills. The natural structure and composition of the Vlasov Klyuch water have remained unchanged for centuries. The history of human use of the water of the Vlasov Klyuch spring has more than two centuries. It is believed that the discoverer of the source was Vlas, a member of one of the communities of Old Believers who settled on the banks of the Malaya Uvelka River. According to legend, the reason for the good health and longevity of the inhabitants of the settlement was spring water, which has unique properties. Vlasov Klyuch water is an invaluable source of vivacity, well-being, beauty and longevity, bestowed by nature itself. pH The acid-base balance of pH is the most important indicator of the vital activity of the body. The pH of a healthy person's blood and the natural pH of Vlasov Klyuch water are identical Ca Mg Na+K SO4 Sulfates They remove toxic substances from the body, relieve inflammation, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques HCO
