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    "Hatti" is natural products from Africa and Latin America – without GMOs and additives: hibiscus (carcade), leaf tea and packaged, coffee beans and instant, cocoa, vegetable cream, which is ideal for cafes, hotels, fast food chains, offices and, of course, for home use.. Hibiscus Hatti is a fragrant, thick, rich drink, with its deep history and traditions of consumption. After the pandemic of the virus began in our country, a number of specialists of the Ministry of Health and practitioners made recommendations about the benefits of hibiscus in the treatment of covid-19 and its consequences, in particular, in cleaning the walls of blood vessels and preventing vascular lesions and micro-strokes of tissues, the drink has, in addition to an attractive, magnetic aroma, also pronounced antihypertonic, anti-bactericidal properties. In our line, in addition to hibiscus, there are 6 different products: 3 types of classic leaf tea, vegetable cream, instant coffee and 3in1 coffee We are the official importers of a number of producers of food raw materials from Africa and Latin America on the territory of the Russian Federation. We are ready to supply hibiscus Sudan 80g. at a price less than 29.00 rubles / piece from a warehouse in approximately 70 chain stores with good results in sales of tea products. We will be glad to see you among our partners.
