Traditions Belyuv

Traditions Belyuv

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Traditions Belyuv

Traditions Belyuv

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    Basic information

    The history of our bakery began in 1959 and has been inextricably linked with the life of Belev and its residents for more than 55 years. Belevsky bakery produces a large range of bakery products, confectionery, but the main pride of our production is a real historical Belevskaya pastille. Classic Belevskaya pastille is a unique product. The recipe for its preparation was compiled by the merchant Ambrose Pavlovich Prokhorov at the end of the XIX century and since then has been kept and passed down from generation to generation by several Belevsky masters. Belevskaya pastille is made mainly from Antonov apples, egg white and sugar. Apples are baked in an oven on birch logs, the pulp is separated from the peel and core and ground through a sieve. The resulting applesauce is mixed with egg white and sugar, laid out on baking sheets in thin layers and dried in the oven for a long time. The resulting layers of pastilles are combined into puff "loaves" with the help of the remaining uncooked puree, cut into shape and sprinkled with powdered sugar. Lean pastille is prepared without egg white, the process of its production is more laborious and long, but the result exceeds all expectations. Dietary pastille is made from apples and a small amount of egg white, it does not contain sugar and any sweeteners.
