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  • Products


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  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

    Basic information

    AGN Dental is an innovative company specializing in providing high-quality products and services in the field of dentistry. Our mission is to ensure the health and beauty of a smile to customers by providing advanced technologies and solutions. One of the key areas of our activity is the sale of zirconium dental discs. We offer a wide range of materials, including blocks, discs and blanks of various sizes and colors. Zirconium discs are an excellent choice for creating durable and aesthetically attractive dental crowns and bridges. AGN Dental also offers Panda P3 3D scanners, which allow you to accurately and quickly digitize dental casts, models and other objects to create digital copies. This ensures more efficient and accurate treatment planning, as well as simplifies the process of transferring information between dentists and dental technicians. In addition, we offer equipment for dental laboratories, which includes all the necessary tools and materials for the creation of dentures and other dental products. Our products and solutions are designed to meet the needs of dentists and dental technicians, ensuring high work efficiency and quality of results. In general, AGN Dental strives to be a leader in its industry by offering advanced solutions and products that help improve the quality of dental care and improve the lives of our customers.
