OOO «TD Ivanchev»

OOO «TD Ivanchev»

  • supplier-company
  • Products
OOO «TD Ivanchev»

OOO «TD Ivanchev»

  • manufacturer
  • importer
  • distributor
  • questionIcon
  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

  • Products


    Basic information

    TD Ivanchev is an actively developing enterprise for the storage, processing and sale of meat and fish products. TD Ivanchev successfully works with contractors and business partners located in 38 regions of the Russian Federation, from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok.LLC "Ivanchev Trading House" was established in 2009.The company strives to expand the geography of its business partners, both in the near abroad and in the far abroad. The company cooperates fruitfully and on a mutually beneficial basis with partners from the Customs Union - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Armenia, conducts trade relations, signs contracts with Serbian enterprises.
