OOO "Sibirskoe Razdole"

OOO "Sibirskoe Razdole"

  • supplier-company
  • Products
OOO "Sibirskoe Razdole"

OOO "Sibirskoe Razdole"

  • distributor
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  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

  • Products


    Basic information

    OOO "Sibirskoe Razdole"

    The company Sibirskoe Razdolye LLC operates in the market of Novosibirsk and the Siberian region and successfully cooperates with large trading and manufacturing companies, factories of Siberia and the Far East. At the moment we offer a range of high quality products that we can supply in larger volumes in a short time. Fish and seafood, sunflower and butter, catfish and SCM, flour and cereals, dried vegetables, soft drinks and more. Our company is interested in establishing long-term business relationships with trading companies in the Siberian region.
