from 20 kg
$/kgMius Liman.
Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts
1The closed Joint Stock Company "Miussky Estuary" (CJSC "Miussky Estuary") is the legal successor of the "Miussky Experimental Fish Farm" (Miussky Fish Farm), which was incorporated into the existing enterprises of the All-Union Fishing Association of the Main Directorate of "Azcherryba" by Order of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR No. 305 dated September 13, 1972 on the basis of Protocol No.34 meetings of the Technical Council of the Ministry of Fisheries of the USSR dated December 26-27, 1965, approved by the Minister of Fisheries of the USSR A.Ishkov on December 27, 1965. The farm was created after the commissioning of an earthen dam with a concrete spillway and the formation of the Miussky Estuary reservoir in the village of Lakedemonovka of the Neklinovsky district of the Rostov region: an area of 6000 hectares, with a design capacity of 526 tons of commercial fish. Currently, the activities of the farm are regulated by Federal Law No. 148-FZ of July 03, 2013 "On Aquaculture (Fish Farming) and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation" and the contract for the use of the fish farming area No. 8/R dated June 04, 2015, concluded with the Azov-Black Sea Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Fisheries. The reservoir is annually stocked with fish-planting material: carp yearlings (2 million pieces) and herbivorous fish (4 million pieces), as well as juvenile walleye (2 million pieces), grown in the fish nursery of the farm. In autumn, commercial fish with a weight of 800-1500 gr. is caught and sent for sale in live or chilled form, as well as for primary processing. The farm sells only high-quality, environmentally friendly fish. The fish is fed on natural feeds, undergoes anti-epizootic measures, which guarantees exceptional taste properties, high quality and absence of diseases. Due to the intensification and optimization of technological processes and based on the recommendations of science, the annual volume of cultivation and catch of aquaculture facilities is 2.4 thousand tons. The number of employees in CJSC "Miussky Estuary" is more than 150 people. The company has a fish hatchery, a fleet, berthing walls, refrigerators, a fish processing shop, an auto garage, and a fish feed production site. Most of the fish caught undergoes primary and subsequent processing (washing, cutting, freezing, packaging) on the territory of the enterprise. The company's products are in demand not only in the Rostov region, but also in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Adler, Astrakhan, as well as in other regions of Russia and abroad. We are ready to cooperate with you. We provide a flexible system of discounts.
from 20 kg