

  • supplier-company
  • Products


  • distributor
  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

    Basic information

    The Continent company specializes in the wholesale of coffee. Lavazza is a coffee brand that has won the trust and love of coffee lovers. The product range is incredibly large. Thanks to this, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable option. This is a unique combination of six of the best Arabica varieties from Central and South America, expertly roasted and assembled into an impeccable blend. A consistently perfect symphony of taste since 1956. We strive to guarantee our customers and consumers high-quality products. Therefore, we choose our suppliers according to their merits, reliability, competitiveness, respect for the environment and social responsibility. Today, Continent is a successful professional team ready to help its clients achieve their goals. We offer you mutually beneficial cooperation on the purchase of our goods.


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