Kompaniya Grenkov

Kompaniya Grenkov

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  • Products
Kompaniya Grenkov

Kompaniya Grenkov

  • manufacturer
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  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

  • Products


    Basic information

    We are a modern Company — A Responsible manufacturer! A responsible Company is a responsibility to our customers, our partners, and our staff; We are for a responsible attitude to the quality of food! We are a Team of Responsible professionals; We are not looking for easy ways and do not want to limit ourselves to modest achievements. We responsibly solve tasks that, at first glance, go beyond our capabilities; We work for our Partners and for our Consumers! We are a modern Company — A Responsible manufacturer! At the moment, the production volumes of the GRENKOV company have reached the level of 1000 tons of finished products per year. The technical and technological base of production is constantly developing. There is a necessary resource and territorial basis for the growth, consolidation and diversification of production.
