from 28 pcs
$/pcsKhlebnaya kompaniya Traditsiya-NN
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6Bread company "Tradition" is a Nizhny Novgorod family production of delicious and healthy bread. Since 1994 we have been baking and selling bread. Our products are well-known in Nizhny Novgorod, they have 16 gold and silver awards of the Nizhny Novgorod Fair. We bake bakery products from high-quality raw materials in a round-the-clock cycle. What is the secret of our bread? High-quality ingredients that we use for the production of all bakery products. Having our own laboratory allows us to select the best flour and only fresh products at the purchase stage. Our technologists carefully check the composition of each batch of flour. We use only Altai and Orenburg flour (Chernozemye) to increase the nutritional value of our breads, their taste and biostimulating properties. We prepare all the fillings for our products ourselves, from natural products. Water for production passes a three-stage complex filter system and is ionized. A living leaven on sprouted grain. At the stage of kneading the dough, we add live starter culture to the composition of all products. So, the most important enzymes and trace elements that are contained in the sprouted grain fall into the daily product on the human table. The sourdough saturated with lactic acid bacteria helps to break down and better assimilate the components of flour, relieves excess load from the human digestive tract. Hearth furnace. Some of the products we bake in a hearth oven, which has no analogues in Nizhny Novgorod. Modern equipment has a hand-laid stone vault with a base (hearth). This allows us to develop industrial capacities while preserving the technology of baking bread, which is practically no different from the old village. The breads on the stone are lush and porous, with the same crisp crust and rich taste of traditional Russian bread. Unique recipes. We have developed the author's bread lines – "GOOD", "Gift of Life". This is a real artisan bread, it is born on a leaven of sprouted grain, the dough "fits" slowly, the whole cooking process takes more than 12 hours. Not a single gram of artificial yeast, baking powder or improvers is used. The original recipes are supplemented with useful ingredients – berries, vegetables, cereals, spices – for gourmets and adherents of a healthy diet. You can talk about the benefits of such bread for a very long time... More detailed The warmth of human hands. We create bread with love, preserving the traditions of manual labor at many stages of production. Bread that has absorbed the warmth of human hands becomes "alive", as if it was baked by a hospitable hostess for welcome guests. Our bakers, like those housewives, are experienced specialists who put their whole soul into creating bread.
from 28 pcs
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