Glove Factory

Glove Factory

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Glove Factory

Glove Factory


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    Basic information

    Glove Factory

    Fabrika LLC has been operating in Taganrog since 2005 and today is the leader in the production of work gloves and personal protective equipment for hands in the south of Russia. Our company offers a wide range of hand protection products, including protective gloves for various conditions: from industrial and chemical influences to heat-resistant and frost-resistant. We specialize in the production of shockproof and anti-cut gloves, providing maximum protection for workers in various industries. Our company operates on the principle of a full cycle: from the import of raw materials to transport logistics. Our product range includes more than 170 types of protective gloves, which allows us to meet the needs of the most demanding customers. We strive to continuously improve our professional skills and introduce innovations into production, which allows us to remain one of the leading enterprises in Russia. We are actively developing new models of work gloves, researching and implementing new materials and technologies. Our specialists regularly carry out tests of raw materials and finished products to ensure high quality and optimal price-quality ratio. Our company's production facilities allow us to produce up to 60,000 pairs of gloves per day, which gives us the opportunity to fulfill orders in the shortest possible time. Our motto is: "Our gloves are not a consumable, but a reliable working tool!"
