Ecoferm Demyanovo

Ecoferm Demyanovo

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Ecoferm Demyanovo

Ecoferm Demyanovo

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    Basic information

    In 2018, together with a team of like-minded people from Demyanovo, we launched the project "DemyaNovo Eco Farm", opened a new farm for 200 heads and a cheese factory (up to 2 tons per day of milk processing). This is really something New, especially for our Russian hinterland (Demyanovo is located 300 km from Kirov). We have increased the number of jobs by 2 times, now we have more than 20 people, mostly young, purposeful guys who know their business. After the launch of our project, 4 people returned back to their native village, and these are irreplaceable personnel and specialists in their field. We regularly conduct training for all employees in various fields. We keep the quality of milking and sanitary discipline in production at a high level.
