JSC "Chellaboprodukt"

JSC "Chellaboprodukt"

  • supplier-company
  • Products
JSC "Chellaboprodukt"

JSC "Chellaboprodukt"

  • manufacturer
  • Basic informationDescription, employees, contacts

    Basic information

    The Promenfinqueline Bread Products Combine Society is one of the largest flour producers in the Republic of Tatarstan. The plant was established in October 1979. The elevator with a capacity of 95 thousand tons, commissioned in June 1979, consists of five silos corps, working tower and connecting galleries. The technological process ensures the effective conduct of all operations on acceptance, processing, placement and transfer of prepared grain to the mill, cereal and feed plants. During the preparation of the grain of the new crop, the work of the receiving and cleaning tower with grain dryers of DSP-32 and DSP-50 with mechanized sites for dry and raw grain is provided.


    This legal entity no longer exists