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    Basic information

    It is not difficult to produce a quality product, you just need to fulfill two conditions: Love your job Strictly follow the production technology We fulfill both of these conditions! We start monitoring the quality of our products even at the stage of growing raw materials. Raw materials are purchased by us only in certified farms with implemented innovative technologies of cultivation and harvesting. The company's technologist conducts careful control over the sunflower growth process so that the future raw materials for "Stanichnye" seeds are of the highest quality. The unique technology of seed collection eliminates the possibility of their damage, which allows you to preserve all vitamins and flavorings. Our purchasing department specialists painstakingly select only the best seeds for production. Technologists in our laboratory, when accepting raw materials, carefully check all the indicators of the received batch for compliance with regulatory documents. So, only after passing 3 stages of control, the raw materials can be called prepared for production..
