from 55 kg
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from 55 kg
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$/kgfrom 13 kg
$/kgfrom 22 kg
$/kgKambala b / g 0.5 + IQF 1/13Low-calorie chibli meat (only 90 kcal per 100 g of product). Therefore, this fish is the basis of many diets and healthy nutrition.High amount of mineral microelements (phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, selenium, magnesium, etc.) have a positive effect on the growth and strengthening of teeth, bones, nails and hair, as well as to work the thyroid gland. Fatty acids in the composition of beneficially affect the cardiovascular system, as well as the prevention of cancer.The low fat content makes Cambalu with a frequent dish for those who follow the figure and their own health.The entire protein content (about 20%) will provide a set of amino acids that are so necessary for healthy and balanced nutrition. In addition, the protein in the meat of fish is easier to absorb the gastrointestinal tract of a person. Protein in animal meat contains a lot of connective tissue and digested longer and harder.A significant amount of vitamins, such as A, E, B1, B3, B6, B12, will replace the full packaging of the pharmacy complex with regular fish consumption.The flabula contains substances that strengthen the human immune system, which means it must necessarily include in the diet during the cold and flu epidemics.Thanks to asparaginic and glutamic acids in the composition, the flabble is included in the rehabilitation diet menu for people after operations.
Primary packaging
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Weight (kg)
Quantum Supplies
35 kg
Brand / TM.