Tool for pools Aqua Health Coagulant 10kg / 75pcs

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Tool for pools Aqua Health Coagulant 10kg / 75pcs
Tool for pools Aqua Health Coagulant 10kg / 75pcs
Tool for pools Aqua Health Coagulant 10kg / 75pcs
Tool for pools Aqua Health Coagulant 10kg / 75pcs
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1 pcs
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<P> Coagulant <br />Means for cleaning and lightening water <br />------------ <br />Purpose: The tool is intended for cleaning, eliminating turbidity and maintain transparency with manual or automatic way of water water parks, swimming pools, SPA as well as water-drinking water supply. <br />Application: Before applying the coagulant, check and, if necessary, bring to the norm to the norm of the pH of water and free chlorine. <br />Purification of water in a frequent pool: with a high turbidity of water and after a shock chlorination, the amount of injected drug can be up to 20 ml / m3. The amount of drug is chosen experimentally depending on the turbidity of water. The coagulant is pre-dissolved in a separate water tank, lowering the initial concentration of 5-10 times. Then, when the filtration is stopped, the resulting solution from the watering can be poured over the entire perimeter of the pool. After that, the water in the pool defends at least 12 hours. The layer of flakes and suspension from the bottom of the pool is collected by a water vacuum cleaner and sent to the sewer. <br />Water purification in the public pool and water park: the coagulant is injected with a dosing device through a switchgear into the water supply system at the rate of 10 to 20 ml / m3 (depending on the turbidity of water) to the sand filter. It is not allowed to pass the drug through filtering if the filter is on the diatom or on the cartridges. After a set of the required amount of water, the filtering is turned off and allowed water for at least 20 minutes. The layer of flakes from the bottom is removed by water vacuum cleaner, then include water filtration in the pool (water park). If water clouding is not completely eliminated, the filter is washed and repeated. <br />For automatic dosing systems, depending on the degree of water pollution and the number of bathing, it is recommended from 0.5 to 1.0 ml / m3 of the coagulant. <br />The coagulant is recommended to use even with normal water treatment at least once a week for cleaning the bottom and walls of the pool (water park) from the accumulated precipitation. <br />Cleaning economic and drinking water: coagulant is added to the receiving capacity (before filtration). The amount of the preparation is selected experimentally depending on the turbidity of water, but not more than 10 ml / m3. In the presence of a distribution device, the coagulant is added through it. <br />In the absence of a switchgear, it is necessary to carry out a uniform distribution of the drug in volume of the tank (stirring using a pump, aeration, etc.). After the distribution, give water to stand for at least 20 minutes. The resulting layer of flakes and suspension is removed from the receiving capacity through the lower fitting of the tank and are sent to the sewer. The coagulant works affectively even at low temperatures. <br />Composition: ≥30% purified water; ≥15, but

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    Means for cleaning and lightening water

  • Brand / TM.

    Aqua Health

  • Brand / TM.

    Aqua Health