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$/pcsTo buy wholesale Tea from herbs NO 1 Kraft package 110 gr from Northern Chai., contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.
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$/pcsTea of herbs № 1. Magnificent tea of Salair dispersion with its aroma, color, taste and utility for the body will make any heavy work joyful, less tedious and painful. Medicinal plants that are part of the tea have one of the objects of its healing effects of the foot and hands of a person, his lower back, heart, lung, liver, as well as the intestines, helping it easily cope with heavy, non-glacial or low-hearted food. It at the same time well quenches thirst even in a small amount and leaves a feeling of satiety in the stomach for a while. Each weed, which is part of this tea drink, is well known for gardens and gardeners and easily delivered. Surely the currant, the raspberry sheet is almost every one of those who spend a significant period of time in the country. Sheet of blueberries, medical, mint, roller roller rich and robes, you only need to know the time and place of collecting these amazing herbs. Ivan-Tea (Cypria) is also a unrected resident of the surrounding fields, small forest arrays. Nevertheless, it is better to use ready-made tea than to collect it yourself, because Harmony of his taste is sometimes quite difficult to choose themselves. Drink North tea "N1" and enjoy.
Type of herbal tea
Blooming Sally
Primary packaging
Package, Package
Brand / TM.
Northern Chai.
Weight (kg)
Brand / TM.
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