Olenina Yukola.

To buy wholesale Olenina Yukola. from Northern Fish, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Olenina Yukola.
Price per kg
Minimum order
2 kg
Northern Fish

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Olenina - meat and sub-products, obtained by slaughter of deer of various types. Reindeer, eating exclusively natural feed and never colliding with negative attributes of human civilization (hormonal feeders to increase the mass in industrial fattening, pesticides, mineral fertilizers and decay products in the form of nitrates, herbicides, heavy metals salts, etc.) is A unique animal according to their biological resources. It is a high-quality product with an ascorbic acid content of 4-5 times greater than in beef. Especially rich in ascorbic acid liver, kidney, light and reindeer brain. It is extremely high in the deer content of the digestible myo-and hemoglobin iron, as well as Vitamins of Group V. Having high taste and vitaminic properties, venison is in great demand, primarily at the local indigenous and old-timing population of the Arctic. Olenina refers to low-fat meat, according to the general chemical composition it contains 21-23% protein and 3.3-4.8% fat. This ratio makes the venison of an indispensable product of dietary nutrition and a medical and prophylactic product for persons suffering overweight, cholesterolemia, metabolic disorders. It has a very high digestibility - 91%, has a unique ratio of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids similar to female milk. In addition to the highest tasteings, it is characterized by an excellent amino acid composition of the protein, surpassing in this indicator not only a pork and beef, but also a connoy - generally accepted raw materials in the production of dietary and children's food. Unique is and deer fat, superior pork and especially beef in the content of unsaturated fatty acids. Very useful product for women and children, safe and tasty. Complete with the addition of a small amount of salt.

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    2 kg