Drinking water "Oshten", N / GAZ, 0.5l

To buy wholesale Drinking water "Oshten", N / GAZ, 0.5l from Maykopskaya, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Drinking water "Oshten", N / GAZ, 0.5l

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The source of filling drinking water "Oshten", is the water from the mountain spring karst waters of the Sumik's first, noise of the second, the firmware flowing along the northwestern and the northern slope of Lago-Naki Plateau, located in an ecologically clean mountainous area, surrounded by snow-covered tops of Oshthen and Phys At an altitude of 1500 meters above sea level. Chemical composition of mg / l: - 50 calcium-5.0 magnesium - 50 chlorides - 50 sulfates- 200 hydrocarbonates