Buckwheat with disintegration (liquid)

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Buckwheat with disintegration (liquid)
Price per kg
Minimum order
15 kg

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Buckwheat (lat. Fagopyrum) - the genus of grassy plants of the family buckwheat. They cultivate it in Polesie and forest-steppes of Ukraine, in Belarus, the Central Black East strip, Siberia and the Far East. Blooms after 30-40 days after sowing. Flowers in July-August 40-45 days, however, blooming a number of injuries prolong the necroelectric period. The variety medical productivity is large enough, since the bees willingly attend not only buckwheat, but also nearby floral fields. Under favorable weather conditions, the checks of the control hive 3-4, and sometimes 5-7 kg per day.The variety has a deep dark amber color, a pleasant strong smell. The taste is bright, saturated. In the composition of the variety there is pollen of the Esparcet, Sage and the honeysuckle, so floral notes are felt in the aftertaste. Constitution is liquid, a large crystal is purchased in the crystallization process. This honey is useful in preventive purposes for the cardiovascular system, the prevention of atherosclerosis, as well as as a strongest antioxidant, to prevent anemia, improve memory and vision. Simple carbohydrates that contain this honey, quickly absorbed into the blood, nourish the heart muscle, not including the liver in this process. The trace elements in the composition are capable of positively influence the myocardium, regulate the permeability of the walls of the vessels, capillaries, increase their elasticity, as a result, the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke decreases at times.

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  • Primary packaging

    Container plastic

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  • Quantum Supplies

    15 kg

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