Birch leaf

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Birch leaf
Birch leaf
Birch leaf
Price per pcs
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10 pcs

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Medicinal properties are due to the presence of the following components: betuloretinic acid, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), tannins, glycoside hyperoside, nicotinic acid, essential oil, provitamin A, bitterness inositol, flavonoids, phytoncides, saponins, resins. Folk medicine has long recommended taking a decoction and infusion of young, dried or fresh birch leaves as a diaphoretic, choleretic and diuretic. The decoction improves the condition of the following diseases and conditions: inflammatory processes in the urinary organs, kidney stones and bladder, uric acid diathesis, heart disease, stomach ulcer, atherosclerosis. Hot baths and warming compresses with birch leaves are used for pain in joints prone to rheumatism, gout and skin diseases. The leaves help heal burns and bruises. Birch essential oil is one of the components of balms for the treatment of skin diseases, in particular eczema and psoriasis. The tannins of the leaves improve the condition of the skin with furunculosis and dermatitis. Decoctions and infusions of birch leaves when applied externally to rinse hair strengthen the roots, improve the condition of curls. The active components of the medicinal raw materials eliminate dandruff and itching, prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth.

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