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$/pcsA protein-carbohydrate cocktail with cocoa. For the strengthening of immunity, weight loss, the prevention of viral, cardiovascular diseases, improvement of memory and creative activity. The basic protein-carbohydrate cocktail with cocoa "Health and Beauty" are: whey protein (protein) obtained by Special technology fractionation from mad serum. It contains a full range of amino acids and protective proteins - lactoglobulin, immunoglobulins, lactoferin, glycomarkopeptides, forming antibodies to protect the organism from malicious effects of viruses, bacteria, allergens, fungi. In a squirrel protein, high amounts of amino acids are also contained, with the participation of which the process of transferring nerve impulses. When the lack of these amino acids weakened the cognitive functions of the brain, which leads to a weakening of memory and mental performance. Mixed milk protein obtained by the innovative micro and ultrafiltration method. In the aggregate, these proteins provide high-quality education of new cells, enzymes, hormones, muscle extensions, updating the cells of all organs and tissues, including brain cells, and also strengthen the immunity and heal the entire organism. Genuagel is a complex carbohydrate derived from wax corn. Instantly turns into energy without turning into fat, bypassing the insulin response. It provides the therapeutic effect on the gastrointestinal tract and intestines, provides energy and reduces ("turns off") appetite, due to which the body loses overweight and launches the processes of cellular update of the entire body. Agency - this is an energy pantry that protects all organs and tissues from premature wear, does not cause an insulin response, helps liver, pancreas and central nervous system to function in the most comfortable state during the day and in the period of increased physical and emotional loads. Kakao powder with high minerals - magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, zinc and copper, vitamins A, E, RR, GR V. Cocoa powder also contains high amounts of natural antidepressants - serotonin, endorphins (joy hormones) and polyphenols, Especially theobromine and theophylline, quercetin and catechin. They help the body to protect cells from viral and bacterial damage. Also, the spectrum of their capabilities includes slowing down and preventing the growth of cancer cells. Topromin and theophylline have anti-asthma effect. In combination with protective proteins and cell energy, these polyphenols help lightly expand, and the respiratory tract will relax, improve the functions of the respiratory and intercostal muscles, saturate the blood oxygen, improve the ventilation in the lighter, in the composition of the "protein-carbohydrate cocktail with cocoa" contains a complete set of amino acids , complex carbohydrates, vitamins of group B, A, E, D, RR, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids. These substances are necessary for cellular updates, strengthen their own protective systems of the body and combating infectious diseases, improving blood circulation, strengthening the heart and vessels, normalizing the background of men and women, improving brain functions, as well as psycho-emotional health. The product is useful for recovery after transferred diseases, including coronavirus. Release form: The protein-carbohydrate cocktail is produced in the form of a dry, bulk mixture of ingredients in food packages, weighing 200 grams. Recommended for use: a protein-carbohydrate cocktail with cocoa Spoons (12-15 g) Dry mixture mix in 2-3 fold volume of hot milk to homogeneous consistency. For the preparation of a chocolate smoothie 1 hour a spoonful of dry mixture, 1 Purified banana beat in 150-200 ml of milk in a blender, if desired, you can add a nutmeg Walnut, cinnamon, turmeric, vanillin, a slice of ginger and other healthy natural additives and spices. In addition to a banana (or together), you can use any berries, vegetables and fruits of the preparation of a hot or cold cocoa of a drink for 3 hours of a dry mixture in 150-200 ml of hot / cold milk (depending on the desired thickness and taste preferences). Instead of milk, it is possible to use cream or water. The worker-carbohydrate cocktail with cocoa causes a sense of saturation and blunt hunger for a long time. Activates brain processes, increases physical and creative activity. Thanks to a healthy and balanced composition, as well as a decrease in appetite, a noticeable improvement in body relief is achieved, a decrease in weight and rejuvenation of the appearance. Sostor: whey protein, micellery milk protein, agen-container, cocoa powder, sugar , 7 Goglodes (complicated) 56.3 Gcaluria in 100 g - 297.9 kcal. In portions - 44, 6 kcal
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Health & Beauty
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Health & Beauty
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