Bad Vitalact 10 gr

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Bad Vitalact 10 gr
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29 pcs
Health & Beauty

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Vitalact is a symbiotic preparation containing acid resistant lactobacillia and lactulose. Restores the useful intestinal microflora, normalizes digestion, relieves toxic load on the liver, kidney, blood, lymph. The nitrogenous slags and ammonia are the main cause of oncological and degenerative diseases. The special strain of lactobacilli in combination with lactulose is protected from intestinal cancer. Vitalact contains 50 million cells of lactobacilli in a special pectic shell and prebiotic - lactulose, which is food for lactobacilli. When lactulose splitting with lactobacters, dairy, acetic and propionic costers, hydrogen peroxide, lysozyme and other substances with antibiotic activity, which destroy putrid bacteria and activate the growth of lactobacilli are formed. As a result, a decreased pH of the intestinal mass is reduced to 6 - 6.8, which reduces the risk of intestinal cancer and suppresses the development of cancer cells. The main effect of the drug "Vitalact": restores the useful intestinal microflora, eliminates dysbacteriosis; Improves digestion, normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract; Neutralizes and removes toxins from the body, reduces the toxic load on the liver, kidney, blood and lymphatic system; Stimulates the intestine motorcy; Protects the body from atherosclerosis, cancer and degenerative diseases. Method of application: adults 1 sachet-sashe 1 time per day. Before use, it is recommended to dissolve the contents of the package in 1/4 cup of water room temperature. The duration of reception is 1 month. If necessary, you can repeat. Before use, you must consult with your doctor. Contraindications: Galaktozhemia, intestinal obstruction, individual intolerance of the components. 1 Packaging -10 bags of 1 gr.

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