Phitchy Ivan tea

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Phitchy Ivan tea
Price per pcs
Minimum order
100 pcs
Phytokea Khakassia
Phytokea Khakassia

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Ivan Tea (Cypria, Kopor''s Tea) - very tasty, beautiful and healthiest tea throughout the world! In its chemical composition, it will not yield to the sea cawroke, and on healing strength and nutritional value - much superior to her. In Russia it was believed that Kopor''s tea could warn or cure 90% of all known diseases of that time. The remaining 10% was treated by other plants, honey, deg., mushrooms and roots. Also, Kopor''s tea is chosen by the duodenal ulcers and the stomach, increases immunity to various respiratory and viral infections, strengthens the roots of the hair, normalizes the pressure, eliminates headaches and prevents the early aging of the person. Many healing effects of Ivan-tea are similar to food soda. And it is not by chance. After all, Cypria is mainly growing on the ashes of peat and forest fires, which is the same alkali as the food soda. Cavory tea, drunk in the evening before bed, is able to slow down the pulse, reduce blood pressure and reduce the temperature of the human body. Such a night "Anabiosis" gives a chance to increase or extend the phase of the active life of the body, at least a quarter of its average duration, which you will agree not so much ...

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    Phytokea Khakassia

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    Фиточаи Хакасии