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$/pcsTo buy wholesale Peanut Paste with Pink Himalayan Salt, 500g from Good traditions, GoodtRaditions, Bignut, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.
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$/pcsPeanut paste is a delicious and fragrant dessert. The high-calorie product from the morning saturates all lovers of pasta with vitamins and energy for the whole day.In the manufacture of our pastes, no additives are not used, only 100% natural products.Our paste has a unique CRUNCHY consistency (crispy)Compound:In 100 gr. Paste from peanuts contains:Fats - 46%;Proteins - 29.6%;Carbohydrates - 11.6%;Fiber - 8.5%.In the peanut paste there are the same minerals and vitamins that are present in peanuts.The chemical composition of peanut paste includes such elements like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, zinc, iron, manganese, copper and selenium.Among the vitamins in the paste contains choline, PP, E, B1, B2, B5, B9, K.The calorie content of peanut paste is 579 kcal per 100 grams of the product.Benefit:- Peanut paste is quite nutritious. Due to the large number of protein contained in the composition of the nuts, it retains a sense of satiety for a long time.- With daily use reduces the risk of cardiac diseases by 15-20%. This is due to the maintenance of mono-and polysaturated fats in the paste.- Ideal for food athletes. The presence of a large protein in a large percentage helps to gain muscle mass.- For vegetarians, the paste is an excellent replacement of meat products.- Contains a fiber, which is involved in maintaining normal intestinal operation and derives harmful substances and allergens from the body.- helps to reduce harmful cholesterol in the body and normalizes its level of content.- prevents the formation of thrombosis, regulates the capillar tone and improves blood quality and conducts its pressure to normal.- Vitamin B4 or choline helps to restore the work of the nervous system during stress and improves memory. It also helps to work the liver.- Supports the right amount of hormones, improves menopause and premenstrual syndrome.- Reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus.- helps to produce their own testosterone. It has a positive effect on the development of the skeleton of athletes, maintains the functioning of the bone marrow and sebaceous glands in the normal state. In the body he works as a fat burner.- positively affects the female organism. Due to the large number of antioxidants, it slows down the aging process and retains youth, and the presence of vitamins has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.Harm- Pasta contains a large number of calories, it is necessary to use it in small quantities, especially this should be taken into account by people who follow their weight and figure. In 100 gr. The product contains about 600 calories.- It is impossible to use even a small allergy to nuts. Even a small dose of paste can lead to a serious reaction.- It is not necessary to introduce peanut pasta to the diet of children under 3 years old. It is a complex product and is long digested with the stomach, so you need to start using small doses.- contraindicated people with stomach diseases: ulcers and gastritis in acute form. If the disease is chronic, then the use is worth limiting to 1 tbsp. in the first half of the day.- It is also better to exclude people from your nutrition with such diseases as: arthritis, arthrosis, deposition in the joints of the salts.Shelf life 6 months at t from +2 to +30Weight of at least 500 gr.
Weight (kg)
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Primary packaging
Bank plastic
View of the product
Peanut paste, Peanut paste
Standard compliance
Vegan product
Unit of shelf life
8 Months (s)
Quantum Supplies
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