Beer "Master Dyao tm. Mr. PI" in German style 0.98 l.

To buy wholesale Beer "Master Dyao tm. Mr. PI" in German style 0.98 l. from Aziana OPT, contact the supplier via the messenger, request a callback or call the phone number.

Beer "Master Dyao tm. Mr. PI" in German style 0.98 l.
Price per pcs
Minimum order
36 pcs
Aziana OPT


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Beer is not pasteurized unfiltered clarified "Master Diao tm. Mr. PI" in German style, volume 980 ml.Ingredients: water, imported malt, wheat malt, imported hops, yeast. Alc. 3.3% vol. Content. ethyl alcohol 3.3 ml in 100ml. The volume of ethyl alcohol is 32.34 ml in 980 ml. Nutritional value in 100 ml. beer: carbohydrates 3.3 g. Energy value in 100 ml. 40 Kcal / 167 kJ. Extractivity of the initial wort: 10% of the current GB/T 4927 standard. Quality category: premium. Shelf life: 10 months. Date of manufacture look at the cans. Storage conditions: 5~25C Store in a dry and protected from light place. Manufacturer: Attention: Alcohol is contraindicated for children and adolescents under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, persons with diseases of the central nervous system, kidneys, liver, and other digestive organs. Excessive alcohol consumption harms your health. Turbidity of beer, the occurrence of yeast sediment in it is considered a normal phenomenon, suitable for consumption

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